This is not for those who waste the time of sex workers, they know what they’re doing and why, this is for industry professionals and their conscientious clients who suffer as a result of the behaviour of an increasing number of twats.
Unlike the boomers who believe that everyone in the UK should do a stint in retail to decrease the disgusting treatment of those who fulfil the needs and wants of others for a living, I’m fully aware that everyone know that being an arsehole to a waiter is a choice. No one thinks its ok to throw your coffee over a barista or feel up the bar staff. They just don’t feel you’re worthy of respect and their attitude towards you educating them to that is somewhat similar to Naomi Campbell’s toward community service.
The increasing ability to hide behind a phone to be a weasley little worm has created a culture of people who feel entitled to waste the time and effort of anyone they have a modicum of power over at any given moment. I know about power, its My job, and I recognise the quality in others to treat people like shit without any remorse whatsoever.

As a sex worker this utter contempt is often shown in a roundabout way, not least by timewasters. Tws manifest in emails that are 6 pages long describing a fantasy they want you to read, phone calls where they attempt to extend your description of parking facilities as the audibly wank, DMs about buying gifts that never manifest, filming subs who don't want to pay but would love a collab for their clip store, and across all formats the “I want to book but I'm just too nervous / far away / poor”. Every minute engaging with this nonsense is depriving SWs of patience and income.
I know several excellent SWs who have left the country due to the constant nonsense from these non clients, I Myself cried in exasperation over lockdown, recovering from Covid with My inbox full of men who begged for free content, ignoring the fact I could barely breathe at the time. Internet WFH guys trying to get free services from SWs who are generally from lower income backgrounds, single parents, disabled,have no shame for their inhumane behaviour as disposable income rolls in from a steady wage. They know, and they DO NOT CARE.
Every day i watch as creative industries are devalued, underpaid, and monopolised by the privileged classes who can afford to work in them. Just today i was reading articles about the proposed ban on pornography that would devastate our industry, leaving the gate open for further restrictions on creative freedoms...all written by non SWs, happily being paid to write about out industry. This is also the reason why i refuse to go on any form of media that’s non SW run without being paid. I’m not lining their pockets to write poverty porn and wry observations as We starve.
We could go in to how a lot of the creative industries were also Women led industries at one point, but that’s for another time.
The influx of online content has made it simple to dehumanise the Women on your screens, to forget that each clip cost time and money to produce, that its someone's income, that the SW at the end of the line is paying rent and bills. I'm amazed with how many men ask for free services still. Daily. From all backgrounds. They simply do not connect that this fantasy world of Dommes with fully equipped studios that pay for themselves magically, walk around in full latex pegging men for free if they just ask does not exist. Many men have told Me that they think I am just somehow wealthy. Surely the odd TW doesn't affect my income after they’ve witnessed a morning of utter nonsense calls and emails. Herein lies the underlying issue: so many men do not see SWs as real people, and actually gents, that's not our fault.
If you somehow think that My leather outfits and whip disqualify Me from council tax, does it then mean that Spiderman is not only real but has never filed a tax return? No. You're grown men with bank accounts or wanking age, so you can also fathom that the fun fantasy We create is for work. But the TWs DO NOT CARE.
This has a knock on effect of not only SWs being forced to create strict booking systems and raised rates, but there can be general burn out. Some of My clients have definitely missed out on a more relaxed session or leisure time because I've been forced to do extra admin or generate extra income due to relentless TWs. We are also reaching a crisis point with the Fosta Sesta onslaught diminishing the careers or online SWs meaning the numbers of quality, consistent providers will fall. You get what you pay for gents, and if you want quality content, you need to pay for your porn.
It also means that, if you’re a considerate client who wishes to see the humans behind his fantasy actually survive, or to in fact be genuinely liked by them, you need compassion for what We go through to indulge you. By generally combatting misogyny, you help us be seen as human who want and deserve adequate compensation for services rendered, and eventually you benefit. See how that works?